Good morning world

Hello lovely people,  My daughter has been starting her day lately by opening up the front door and yelling as loud as she can GOOD MORNING WORLD.  I joined her today and it was a great feeling!  I am not sure how our neighbours feel about it at 7:00am but it is fun to do.  Some people were passing by on the street and turned around with a big grip on their faces.  What do you do to start your day off right?

I have been experimenting lately with warrior princess paintings in my art journal (inspired by a life book lesson by  Andrea Gomill).  This one is a warrier flower princess with a shield that says ‘You are capable of doing amazing things’.  When I get stuck in the hustle and bustle of life it is sometimes hard to remember this message.  I hope this inspires you to remember that you are an amazing person capable of doing great things.  Sending lots of hugs to you.

You are capbable of doing amazing things

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