What are your Favourite things?

favourite things jar  I recently made this painting called the Favourite things jar as part of the online class I am taking ( inspired by Lynn Whipple). Whenever I am feeling discouraged I just open up this page of my art journal.  Imagine reaching your hand into this jar when you are feeling down.  It is easy to make your own.  Just paint your favourite colours in water colour on a whole page.  Draw a jar shape (as you can see mine is not symmetrical!) and write down all your favourite things in different sizes and styles.  I used white Liquitex gesso around the shape in the background so the jar stands out more but you can use paint as well.  It might be fun to do this with a real mason jar.  Just decorate the outside and write down things that make you happy and place them inside.  If you ever want one of my art journal paintings as a card or print let me know or check out my website at www.wendymeades.com for original paintings.

What are your favourite things?

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