Happy New Year…art club and chronic pain journey

Happy new year

Happy New Year.  I started an art club for kids 6 months ago mainly because families were asking me to run some kind of program while their kids were out of school….or dealing with stresses about covid…. or parents wanted to create with their kids and didn’t know where to start.    I didn’t think kids would want to learn art over zoom.  I am amazed at all the kids (and parents!) that show up on zoom every week to create art with such enthusiasm. They are polite, fun, dedicated, lovely and warm my heart every time they show me their art on the screen.  They have grown in their drawing and painting skills and I am so proud of them.

What some people don’t realize is I have been dealing with chronic neck pain for over 2 years and art (specifically art club) has been my saviour during it.  With art club I can plan the lessons when I am able to do it….filming when I can and editing videos while I am lying down.  I have come to realize that chronic pain is not very well understood in our society.  People don’t realize how it affects life in so many ways.  A broken leg people can see…..a herniated disc and 4 bulging discs in my neck no one can see.  I have had so many days that I need to lie down….or tell my family I am out of commission.  I am so thankful for my husband and my girls….they bring me tea in bed….flowers… …wine….pain meds…they cook and clean when I can’t do it and do what they can to bring joy to my day.  This chronic pain is an upward battle….some days I feel like I will never make it to the top of the mountain and be out of pain.   I am so thankful that I have my art to keep me going and keep me motivated.  Art really can heal.

I am thankful for another year to keep growing and healing.  Thank you for your supporting my art business.  I am sending out lots of creative vibes to you.  Whatever 2022 brings…..I hope you have some moments of peace where you can create and find joy.







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