International Dot Day is coming up this week and we have a great art project you can do. Dot day is inspired by a book called The Dot by Peter Reynolds. It is a story about a teacher that inspired a student who wasn’t too confident in her abilities to draw, to start with a dot. She went on to draw and paint all different pieces of art with different dots!
Learn to create a dot filled with your favourite things in this fun art video. All you need to do is start with a large circle and then fill it with your favourite things. I chose flowers in one circle and cookies in the next one. The key is to make some of the things you draw larger and some smaller so it is more interesting. Repetition in art also makes it look more pleasing to the eye.
Click the LINK to watch the you tube video and while you are there, don’t forget to subscribe to the Wendy Meades Channel.
I hope you are all inspired by the story of the dot.
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