House filled with Love

Hello lovely creative souls.  I hope you are doing well.  We have been searching for a house in the last few months.  It has been a frustrating process because not a lot of houses come up each week in the area we want to move. We want to find a house with a garden, a nice community of people on a family friendly street and I need an art studio and my talented husband needs a place to write.   I know we are asking for a lot!  So I thought I would do a painting in my art journal to send out vibes to the world that we are ready to move.  This painting was inspired by a life book lesson by the talented Violette and it is called “house filled with love”.  I think the next step will be to do a vision board around this.  How do you envision your goals and help them along?  Have a lovely week.

House filled with love


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